Support by Economic Methods used in Health Technology Assessment

To make an informed decision during the development of the medical device, it is important to use an appropriate assessment economic method used in Health Technology Assessment. The most common are CBA – Cost Benefit Analysis, CEA – Cost effectiveness analysis, CUA – Cost-utility analysis, CMA – Cost minimisation analysis, CCA – Cost consequence analysis, ICER – Incremental cost-effective ratio, QALY – quality-adjusted life year. Similarly, to any other assessment, there are often more than one way to express the economic advantages of newly developed device over the current solutions.
The article prepared by Betthera founder P. Marešová (in cooperation with B. Klímová) shows the pros and cons for each economic evaluation method and their best way to use them for health technology assessment.
More details in : DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2018-1-008
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