Start of the new HE project – FORCE REPAIR

Chronic wounds, clinically defined as wounds that usually do not heal in less than three months, affect up to 2% of the population in the industrial world. Medical devices to treat chronic wounds have not been able to achieve reliable skin regeneration and reduce scar formation. FORCE REPAIR aims to improve chronic wound management by developing a smart, multifunctional, and cost-effective 3D printable solution to wound dressing. The novel biomaterials-based therapy will relieve skin tension and stimulate healing.
FORCE REPAIR coordinated by EURICE has started on 1st January and it is our pleasure to announce that Betthera can be partner in HTA, health economics and marketability.
Check the website of project there:
The kick off meeting of project has taken place in San Sebastian, Spain from 1st to 2nd February 2023 and our colleagues have attended the meeting. It was nice to meet other partners and to know their knowledge and role in project deeply. We are looking forward to progress of the project FORCE REPAIR.